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OFA Thyroid: TBD
OFA Elbows: TBD
PennHip: TBD
Can CH Rhapsody Glazed and Confused
Sire: RUBISS Aus CH Bokezu Jularu Jimmy
Dam: MBISS GCHS Rhapsody Writing's On the Wall, SH NAJ RN CA DJ TDI TKN ROM
DOB: December 9, 2019
Bred by: Michelle Porfido-DeLucia, Jonathan DeLucia, & Genine Enoksen
Ozzie was "Dunkin" from our Donette Jimmy/Naomi litter. He lives with the Clowe family in Newfoundland Canada, where he is the best nanny to his two little human sisters. Ozzie is as sweet as can be, always up for anything with his family.
Ozzie finished his championship almost entirely owner-handled by Allison, and is a multiple group winning and placing Vizsla! He will come to Rhapsody to attain his AKC CH and health clearances in fall of 2022!

Ozzie's Parents:

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