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OFA Hips: VZ-17803G25M-C-VPI
OFA Elbows: VZ-EL4339M25-C-VPI
OFA Thyroid: VZ-TH2752/25M-VPI
CERF: Normal, 2022
OFA Adv Cardiac: VZ-BCA289/17M/C-VPI
PennHip: .23/.26
Long-hair carrier
CHIC# 183510
CH Rhapsody Up the Ante
Sire: BIS BISS Am/Can CH Dirigo Gambler's Marker, ROM HOF
Dam: MBISS GCHS Rhapsody Writing's On the Wall, SH CD NAJ RN CA DJ VC TDI TKN ROM
DOB: February 22, 2021
Bred by: Michelle Porfido-DeLucia, Jonathan DeLucia, & Genine Enoksen
Ptopper was our keeper boy out of the special Marker x Naomi breeding.. I had intended up keeping a girl, but Ptopper picked me, and well.. we all know how that goes. The striking resemblance he has always had to his great grandsire, JB, is a little eery, but oh so welcoming and comforting.
Ptopper has to the be one of the most sweetest Vizslas I've ever met.. he is the ultimate cuddle bug, and such an animated, hilarious dog. He ALWAYS has to bring you gifts, which is really anything he can get his mouth on, and it is accompanied by a whole body wiggle and happy gurgling. He loves everyone and everything, but he takes his job as big brother to our daughter, Giavanna, to heart; he lets her crawl all over him and is at her side 24/7.. he is absolutely enamored by her, and yes - it melts my heart.
While Ptop takes his time maturing, we are loving doing bird work with him and getting him started in agility and rally. He's a dorky boy, but so biddable and up for anything asked of him. I just love our boy! He finished his championship with only a handful of showings, and with back to back 5 point majors at back to back specialties!

Ptopper's Parents:

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