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CHIC# 72076

Hips: VZ-12133G28F-VPI

Thyroid: VZ-TH478/20F-VPII

CERF: Normal

PennHip: .26/.26



 Vizsla Club of America Top Producing Dam, 2014

 GCH Rhapsody's For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM

Sire: MBVIS/Int'l/Intct'l/Can/Am BISS GCH. Szizlin's They Call Me Bond, ROM

Dam: CH Szizlin Kizmet Rhapsody In Gold, JH


DOB: October 28th, 2008

Bred by: Michelle S Porfido and Lena Kourtei, Rhapsody Vizslas





October 28, 2008 - January 21, 2023

Vesper was everything a breeder hopes for - tons of attitude, biddable in any task, drive in the field, bomb-proof temperament, a fun and successful showdog, and a tail that NEVER stops wagging! Anyone that met Ves loved her, she was hard to ignore with her "outspoken" attitude, and always wanted to be the center of attention (which was always accompanied by her signature "smile"). She was a fun dog to live with, for there certainly was never a dull moment with her around... She was sweet as only a Vizsla could be, and took the term "velcro dog" quite seriously - rest assured your lap was never empty when you were around Vessie! One of her most favorite activities was Dock Diving, and she was nationally ranked even as an old lady at 7 years of age in her prime jumping season.. she even earned herself a few nicknames from her friends, including "team thunder thighs" and "torpedo Ves".

She finished her championship very quickly and easily, owner/breeder handled by myself, with all of her wins out of the Bred-by class. Just to have some fun we pursued her Grand Championship, which she finished in 2 months with limited showing, and accumulated several large Breed wins along the way - which ranked her as a Top 15 Vizsla. Some of her notable wins were placements in both her classes at the 2009 Vizsla National, BOS at the VCGNY Specialty at 13 months over several top bitches in the country, and consistently making the cuts at all the National Events she has attended. Ves also finished her Junior Hunter title with ease at 9 months of age, and if given the opportunity, would have made a wonderful personal hunting dog.


Vesper was bred four times; her kids exemplify what I strive to achieve in my breedings program, and they shine in whatever venue they participate in. Vesper has been recognized as a Top Producing Dam for 2014 with the championships of her kids Piper (x Kiwi), Blitzen (x Cupid), Birdie (x Cupid) and Rooney (x Kiwi). Vesper has proven to be a phenomenal producer, consistently passing her temperament and versatility onto her kids.. Her legacy is something we are very proud of and cherish...



L-R Kira, JB, Vesper (mom, dad, daughter)

Photo by Karen Lake


Vesper's kids


Rhapsody's Hearts on Fire



Sire: MBISS CH Kizmar Fabulous Friday, ROM

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM


CH Rhapsody Kizmar Hold onto Your Heart



Sire: MBISS CH Kizmar Fabulous Friday, ROM

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM


CH Rhapsody Hungry Heart



Sire: MBISS CH Kizmar Fabulous Friday, ROM

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM


GCH Rhapsody Feelin' Hot Hot Hot, SH RN CGC



Sire: CH Szizlin Kiwi Pasch

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM


GCH Rhapsody In Hot Pursuit



Sire: CH Szizlin Kiwi Pasch

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM


CH Rhapsody Eye Got You Good, JH DS



Sire: CH Sugár Kokëny, JH TD RN ROM 

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM


CH Rhapsody We Go Together



Sire: BISS GCH Solaris Smokin' Hot Habanero

Dam: GCH Rhapsody For Your Eyes Only, JH DS ROM

Vesper's Parents:

Copyright 2024, Rhapsody Vizslas 

Updated on October 4th, 2024

Photo Copyright Michelle Porfido-DeLucia - All Rights Reserved

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