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Hips: VZ-16201E47F-VPI
Thyroid: VZ-TH1936/47F-PI
CERF: Normal, 2019
CH Rhapsody Poetry in Motion
Sire: CH Kizmar Justice for All, ROM
Dam: Int'l/Intct'l/Can/Am MBISS GCHP Szizlin Rhapsody Never Say Never, JH NAP NJP RN CA DN ROM
DOB: November 12, 2015
Owned by: Lesley & George Kramer​​
Zadie is from our Justice/Ellie litter, and was one of five girls.
Zadie finished very easily with multiple Specialty WB awards, and 4 majors. She has since been training in the field towards her MH with her mom, Lesley. We get to see her frequently, and it's always a treat to watch her and her sister, Naomi, run like rabid lunatics. Her bombproof and resilient temperament make her an absolute joy to live with.
Aside from Zadie's show and hunting accomplishments, she recently added "model and television star" to her resume, as she was one of our dogs that has starred in HBO's top TV series, "Billions".
Zadie's Parents:
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