CHIC# 129006
OFA Hips: VZ-15394G28F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: VZ-TH1594/28F-VPI
CERF: Normal, 2017
OFA Cardiac: Normal
PennHip: .24/.25
Longhair homozygous normal: L/L
The VCA Top Producing Dam for 2023
A VCA Top Producing Dam: 2021, 2022
2024 Vizsla Club of America AOM winner
2023 Vizsla Club of America NSS Best Veteran Bitch in Sweeps Winner
2023 Vizsla Club of America NSS Best Brood Bitch Winner
2023 Vizsla Club of America Regional Specialty Best Veteran Bitch in Sweeps Winner
2019 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winner
5x Best in Specialty Show Winning
Multiple Group Placing
Best Bred-by Exhibitor in Show Winner
GCHS Rhapsody Writing's on the Wall, SH CD RN NAJ DJ CA TDI VC ROM
Sire: CH Kizmar Justice for All, ROM
Dam: Int'l/Intct'l/Can/Am MBISS GCHP Szizlin Rhapsody Never Say Never, JH NAP NJP RN CA DN ROM
DOB: November 12, 2015
Bred by: Michelle S Porfido & Yelena Kourtei (Rhapsody Vizslas), and Carol Phelps
Naomi is the dog I have been waiting for from the day we decided that Ellie was staying... I knew I was going to breed Ellie to Justice, as I had always admired the dog and his strengths as a producer. Combining Ellie's pedigree with Justice's was a combination of the breeders I respect and my mentors in our breed. It was the result of careful planning and immense patience. Justice was nearly 13 years old when Ellie and I set out to drive to MN to do the breeding, a total of 40 hours driving (and 1 flat tire). It was all so worth it, and I can't imagine my life with my Nai Nai in it.
Naomi is Miss personality - her tail has never stopped wagging since the day we decided she was ours. She approaches everything with a fearless, bold and enthusiastic attitude. She was shown very selectively in only a handful of Specialties/Supported Entries, and finished her championship quickly with a Specialty 4 point WB/BW, a Supported Entry 5 point WB/BW, and WB/BOS over 5 specials for a 5 point major, topped with a BBE BIS along the way. She keeps us on our toes, and constantly supplies us with endless entertainment - I'm not sure I've ever had a dog that made me laugh as much as she does. She is naughty, SO smart, hilarious, and my constant companion.
She finished her GCH swiftly, and towards the end of 2018 blossomed into maturity... she has consistently held her own in the ring, with her ground covering effortless movement, smooth neck into shoulders, and correct type. The icing on the cake was her being awarded Best of Breed at the prestigious 2019 Westminster Kennel Club show in NYC in 2019... I have been fortunate to own and show some very special dogs in my lifetime, but to be pointed to on the green carpet as *the* winner on a dog you adore and happen to be the breeder and owner of was unreal.
Nai Nai is my do it all girl, and we thoroughly enjoy competing in different venues together. She is the ultimate versatile Vizsla, and an amazing team player (most of the time). From the show ring, to the field, to the obedience and rally ring, Nai always brings her game face... She is impressively fast, selfish, and very good at putting on a show. Aside from being an aspiring comedian, she has the best temperament, and is a joy to live with.

Naomi's Litters
Click on Photo to go to their respective page

GCH Rhapsody Donut Kill My Vibe, TKN
Rhapsody Donut Mind if I Do, JH
MBISS GCHS Rhapsody Donut Stop Believin', TKN DS BCAT CA
Can NBISS CH/Am CH Rhapsody Beignet, Done That
CH Rhapsody Quid Pro Dough
BISS GCH Rhapsody Whatever Sprinkles UR Donut, JH TKI SIN SEN VSWB
Canadian group winning and placing
Can CH Rhapsody Glazed and Confused
GCH Rhapsody Epic Dough at Peak 7, JH TKN

CH Rhapsody Up the Ante
CH Rhapsody All Bets Are Off, JH
CH Rhapsody PM Gambler's Marquis, RI BCAT SCN SBN TKI

CH Rhapsody Three-Card-Monte

The Exclusives
GCH Rhapsody By Invitation Only

GCH Rhapsody Black Tie Affair

CH Rhapsody Welcome to the Club Lightfoot, JH

CH Rhapsody My Name in Lights, JH

CH Rhapsody Limited Edition
Naomi's Parents: